Duan, K.*, Mishra, T., and Parhi, M. 2018. Space matters: Understanding the real effects of macroeconomic variations in cross-country housing price movements. Economics Letters, 163 (2), 130-135.
- 论文类型:
- 期刊论文
- 收录刊物:
- DOI码:
- 10.1016/j.econlet.2017.11.035
- 备注:
- (期刊等级:ABS 3*; SSCI)
- 上一条:Wei, P., Qi, Y., Ren, X.*, Duan, K. 2021. Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Affect Green Bond Markets? Evidence from Wavelet-Based Quantile Analysis. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.
- 下一条:Duan, K.*, Mishra, T., Parhi, M., and Wolfe, S., 2019. How effective are policy interventions in a spatially-embedded international real estate market?, The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 58 (4), 596-637.