Release time:2020-10-21 Hits:
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- First Author:Liang Hao
- Correspondence Author:Jiang Gong, Tao Tang
- Co-author: Ning Liu, Boyi Zhang, Ran Niu, Jiang Gong*, Tao Tang*
- Journal:Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Included Journals:EI、SCI
- Discipline:Engineering
- First-Level Discipline:Material Science and Engineering
- Document Type:J
- Date of Publication:2020-10-01
- Abstract:Converting polyesters into carbon materials for energy and environmental applications provides a promising way to recycle urban and industrial waste plastics. However, previous strategies could not precisely control the crosslinking reaction of polyester. Herein, poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is transformed into O,S-doped hierarchically porous carbon (OSHPC) using sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) and ZnO at 550 oC. SLS/ZnO show a synergistic effect on the PET carbonization. Firstly, a crosslinking structure is generated through esterification of carboxylic acid in PET degradation products with
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