Jiang Gong   研究员(自然科学)

截止2025年1月23日,累计发表SCI论文158篇。其中第一作者/通讯作者89篇,包括国际一流期刊Progress in Polymer Science(影响因子26),Advanced Materials(影响因子27.4),Advanced Energy Materials (影响因子24.4),Angewandte Chemie International Edition(影响因子16.1),Chem(影响因子19.1),Applied Catalysis B: Environmental(影响因子20.2,4篇),Chemical Engineering Journal(影响因子13.3,11篇),Jour...Detials

Simultaneous solar-driven steam and electricity generation by cost-effective, easy-scale up MnO2-based flexible membranes

Release time:2022-02-17  Hits:

  • Indexed by:Journal paper
  • Document Code:54
  • First Author:Jiaxin Ren
  • Correspondence Author:Jiang Gong,Ran Niu
  • Co-author:Yang Ding,Jinping Qu
  • Journal:Energy & Environmental Materials
  • Included Journals:SCI
  • Discipline:Engineering
  • First-Level Discipline:Material Science and Engineering
  • Document Type:J
  • Key Words:Harvesting solar energy in an effective manner for steam and electricity generation is a promising technique to simultaneously cope with energy and water crises. However, construction of efficient and easy-scale up photothermal materials for steam and electricity cogeneration remains challenging. Herein, we report a facile and cost-effective strategy to prepare MnO2-decorated cotton cloth (MCx). The wide adsorption spectrum and excellent photothermal conversion ability of the in-situ formed MnO2 nanoparticles make the MCx to be advanced photothermal materials. Consequently, the hybrid device integrated of MCx as the photothermal layer and the thermoelectric (TE) module for electricity power conversion exhibits an extremely high evaporation rate of 2.24 kg m-2 h-1 under 1 kW m-2 irradiation, which is ranked among the most powerful solar evaporators. More importantly, during solar evaporation, the hybrid device produces an open-circuit voltage of 0.3 V and a power output of 1.6 W m-2 under 3 Sun irradiation, and outperforms most of previously reported solar-driven electricity generation devices. Therefore, the integrated device with synergistic solar-thermal utilization opens up a green way towards simultaneous solar vapor and electricity power generation in remote and resource constrained areas.
  • DOI number:10.1002/eem2.12376
  • Date of Publication:2022-02-17
  • Impact Factor:15.112
  • Abstract:Harvesting solar energy in an effective manner for steam and electricity generation is a promising technique to simultaneously cope with energy and water crises. However, construction of efficient and easy-scale up photothermal materials for steam and electricity cogeneration remains challenging. Herein, we report a facile and cost-effective strategy to prepare MnO2-decorated cotton cloth (MCx). The wide adsorption spectrum and excellent photothermal conversion ability of the in-situ formed MnO2 nanoparticles make the MCx to be advanced photothermal materials. Consequently, the hybrid device integrated of MCx as the photothermal layer and the thermoelectric (TE) module for electricity power conversion exhibits an extremely high evaporation rate of 2.24 kg m-2 h-1 under 1 kW m-2 irradiation, which is ranked among the most powerful solar evaporators. More importantly, during solar evaporation, the hybrid device produces an open-circuit voltage of 0.3 V and a power output of 1.6 W m-2 under 3 Sun irradiation, and outperforms most of previously reported solar-driven electricity generation devices. Therefore, the integrated device with synergistic solar-thermal utilization opens up a green way towards simultaneous solar vapor and electricity power generation in remote and resource constrained areas.