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李威博士,国家高层次青年人才引进计划加入华中科技大学。2008年和2011年在西安交通大学材料科学与工程学院先后获得学士和硕士学位;2015年博士毕业于德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学生物材料研究所;2019年和2020年在芬兰赫尔辛基大学药学院先后获得Principal Investigator和Docent (Adjunct Professor)头衔,随后被遴选为赫尔辛基生命科学研究所HiLIFE Fellow。

主要研究领域为纳米药物、药物递送和生物材料,以微流控为技术平台,聚焦药物在微纳米载体中的高效包载与可控释放。以通讯或第一作者身份在Nat Commun、Adv Mater、Adv Funct Mater和Mater Horiz等期刊发表学术论文20余篇;作为项目负责人曾主持芬兰主要的公立、私立和药企基金会研究项目十余项。曾担任北欧药学联合会年会的分会场主席;获得赫尔辛基大学药学院优秀青年研究员、芬兰药学会年度最佳论文等荣誉奖项;受邀担任六十余种国际期刊和会议摘要的审稿人、Bioact Mater编委、欧盟多国基金函评或会评专家。



  1. W. Li†, J. Chen†, S. Zhao, T. Huang, C. Trujillo, G. Molinaro, Z. Zhou, T. Jiang, W. Liu, L. Li, Y. Bai, P. Quan, Y. Ding, J. Hirvonen, G. Yin*, H.A. Santos*, J. Fan*, D. Liu*, High drug-loaded microspheres enabled by controlled in-droplet precipitation promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Nature Communications.  2022;13:1262.

  2. S. Wang, S. Wannasarit, P. Figueiredo, G. Molinaro, Y. Ding, A. Correia, L. Casettari, R. Wiwattanapatapee, J. Hirvonen, D. Liu, W. Li* (co-corresponding author), H.A. Santos, Intracellular delivery of budesonide and polydopamine co-loaded in endosomolytic poly(butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) grafted acetalated dextran for macrophage phenotype switch from M1 to M2, Advanced Therapeutics. 2021:2000058.

  3. S. Wang, S. Wannasarit, P. Figueiredo, J. Li, A. Correia, B. Xia, R. Wiwattanapatapee, J. Hirvonen, D. Liu, W. Li* (co-corresponding author), H.A. Santos*. Superfast and controllable microfluidic inking of anti-inflammatory melanin-like nanoparticles inspired by Cephalopod. Materials Horizons. 2020;7:1573-80. 

  4. S. Wannasarit, S. Wang*, P. Figueiredo, C. Trujillo, F. Eburnea, L. Simón-Gracia, A. Correia, Y. Ding, T. Teesalu, D. Liu, R. Wiwattanapatapee, H.A. Santos*, W. Li* (corresponding author & last author), A virus-mimicking pH-responsive acetalated dextran-based membrane-active polymeric nanoparticle for intracellular delivery of antitumor therapeutics, Advanced Functional Materials. 2019;29:1905352. 

  5. W. Li†, Y. Li†, Z. Liu†, N. Kerdsakundee, M. Zhang, F. Zhang, X. Liu, T. Bauleth-Ramos, W. Lian, E. Mäkilä, M. Kemell, Y. Ding, B. Sarmento, R. Wiwattanapatapee, J. Salonen, H. Zhang, J.T. Hirvonen, D. Liu*, X. Deng*, H.A. Santos*. Hierarchical structured and programmed vehicles deliver drugs locally to inflamed sites of intestine, Biomaterials. 2018;185:322-32.

  6. S. Bertoni, Z. Liu, A. Correia, J.P. Martins, A. Rahikkala, F. Fontana, M. Kemell, D. Liu, B. Albertini, N. Passerini*, W. Li* (co-corresponding author), H.A. Santos*. pH and reactive oxygen species-sequential responsive nano-in-micro composite for targeted therapy of inflammatory bowel disease, Advanced Functional Materials. 2018;28:1806175.

  7. W. Li, Z. Liu, F. Fontana, Y. Ding, D. Liu, J. T. Hirvonen*, H. A. Santos*. Tailoring porous silicon for biomedical applications: from drug delivery to cancer immunotherapy. Advanced Materials. 2018;30:1703740.

  8. Z. Liu†, Y. Li†, W. Li† (co-first author), C. Xiao, D. Liu, C. Dong, M. Zhang, E. Mäkilä, M. Kemell, J. Salonen, J. T. Hirvonen, H. Zhang*, D. Zhou*, X. Deng*, H. A. Santos*. Multifunctional nanohybrid based on porous silicon nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles and acetalated dextran for efficient liver regeneration and acute liver failure theranostics. Advanced Materials. 2018;30:1703393.

  9. N. Kerdsakundee†, W. Li†,* (co-first author & co-corresponding author), J. P. Martins, Z. Liu, F. Zhang, M. Kemell, A. Correia, Y. Ding, M. Airavaara, J. T. Hirvonen, R. Wiwattanapatapee, H. A. Santos*. Multifunctional nanotube–mucoadhesive poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid)@hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate composite for site-specific oral drug delivery. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2017;6:1700629.

  10. W. Li, D. Liu, H. Zhang, A. Correia, E. Mäkilä, J. Salonen, J. T. Hirvonen, H. A. Santos*. Microfluidic assembly of a nano-in-micro dual drug delivery platform composed of halloysite nanotubes and a pH-responsive polymer for colon cancer therapy. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016;48:238-46. 

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