Wan Jianlong
·Paper Publications
Wan J*, Su Z. Ultra-lean dynamics of a holder-stabilized hydrogen enriched flames in a preheated mesoscale combustor. Physics of Fluids. 2022, 34(5): 057108. (被选为编辑推荐文章,并受邀在美国物理联合会AIP微信公众号上撰文推介本工作) (流体力学国际著名期刊)
Release time:2025-03-12  Hits:
Pre One::
Su Z, Yang W, Wan J*. Ultra-lean dynamics of holder-stabilized hydrogen-enriched flames in a preheated mesoscale combustor near the laminar critical limit. Physics of Fluids. 2022, 34(10): 107117. (受邀在美国物理联合会AIP微信公众号上撰文推介本工作) (流体力学国际著名期刊)
Next One::
Cai S, Su Z, Xie P, Zeng Q*, Wan J*. Combustion and thermal characteristics of a miniature double-layer disc-combustor with porous media and Swiss-roll preheated channel. Chemical Engineering Science. 2023; 267:118356. (化工领域国际三大刊之一)