Wan Jianlong
·Paper Publications
Li D*, Wang R, Yang G, Wan J*. Effect of hydrogen addition on the structure and stabilization of a micro-jet methane diffusion flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021, 46(7): 5790-5798.
Release time:2025-03-12  Hits:
Pre One::
Wan J*, Zhao H*. Blow-off mechanism of a holder-stabilized laminar premixed flame in a preheated mesoscale combustor. Combustion and Flame. 2020, 220:358-367. (燃烧领域国际顶级期刊)
Next One::
Wan J*, Zhao H*. Ultra-rich fuel dynamics of a holder-stabilized premixed flame in a preheated mesoscale combustor. Energy. 2021, 214: 118960. (能源领域国际三大刊之一)