Wan Jianlong
·Paper Publications
- [31] Wan JL, Zhao H. Experimental study on blow-off limit of a preheated and flame holder-stabilized laminar premixed flame. Chemical Engineering Science. 2020;223:115754.
- [32] J.L. Wan, H.B. Zhao*. Dynamics of premixed CH 4 /air flames in a micro combustor with a plate flame holder and preheating channels. Energy. 139 (2017): 366-379.
- [33] J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao. Effect of the length of a plate flame holder on flame blowout limit in a micro-combustor with preheating channels. Combustion and Flame. 170 (2016): 53-62.
- [34] J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao, W. Liu. Experimental investigation and numerical analysis on the blow-off limits of premixed CH4/air flames in a mesoscale bluff-body combustor. Energy. 113 (2016) 193-203.
- [35] J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao, W. Liu, X.L. Gou, et al. Experimental investigation and numerical analysis on flame stabilization of CH4/air mixture in a mesoscale channel with wall cavities. Combustion and Flame. 162 (2015) 1035-45 (入选ESI hot paper和ESI highly cited paper).
- [36] J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao, W. Liu. Effect of pressure on the blow-off limits of premixed CH4/air flames in a mesoscale cavity-combustor. Energy. 91 (2015) 102-9.
- [37] J.L. Wan, A.W. Fan*, H. Yao, W. Liu. Effect of thermal conductivity of solid wall on combustion efficiency of a micro-combustor with cavities. Energy Conversion and Management. 96 (2015) 605-12 (入选ESI highly cited paper).
- [38] Wan JL, Xu Z, Zhao H. Methane/air premixed flame topology structure in a mesoscale combustor with a plate flame holder and preheating channels. Energy. 2018;165:802-11.
- [39] 万建龙,LIU YI,范爱武*,皮博明,杜一庆.微小型凹腔燃烧器内甲烷/空气预混火焰特性 (被化工学报评为高被引论文).化工学报,
- [40] 万建龙,范爱武*,刘毅,皮博明,姚洪,固体材料对微型钝体燃烧器吹熄极限的影响,化工学报,65 (2014) 1012-1017 (被化工学报评为高被引论文,并入选“精品期刊顶尖论文平台-领跑者5000”计划(2011至2016年所有发表在《化工学报》上的文章共有22篇入选该计划)).