Associate Researcher and Doctoral Supervisor at the School of Integrated Circuits, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan Optoelectronics National Research Center, Hubei Overseas High level Talent, and recipient of the Wuhan Talent Program. I graduated with a PhD from the Australian National University in 2017 and have conducted postdoctoral research at both the Australian Nationa...details>
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:IC College
Research Focus
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Education Experience
2006/9-2010/6 湖北大学   Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
2013/9-2017/9 澳大利亚国立大学   Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
Work Experience
2020/10-2021/6 光学与电子信息学院 | 华中科技大学  | 副研究员  | 在职  | 研究方向:电子信息功能材料与器件,研究铁电,铁磁,多铁陶瓷和薄膜材料的制备及性能调控。研究基于以上材料的光电、磁电相关信息存储器件。 
- 1.21. 董文。硅烷偶联剂对ZnO/PA6复合材料力学性能的影响。胶体与聚合物,2009, 27:16-19。
- 2.20. 谢益骏;郭益平;董文;郭兵;李华;刘河洲。掺镧BiFeO3薄膜的制备及光伏特性研究。无机材料学报。2013,28:436-440。
- 3.19. Liu, Hongyan; Guo, Yiping; Guo, Bing; Dong, Wen; Zhang, Di. BiFeO3-(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 butterfly wing scales: Synthesis, visible-light photocatalytic and magnetic properties. Journal of European Ceramic Society 2012, 32:4335-4340. Published online 25 Jul 2012. (引用: 30. IF: ...
- 4.18. Guo, Yiping; Guo, Bing; Dong, Wen; Li, Hua; Liu, Hezhou. Evidence for Oxygen vacancy or ferroelectric polarization induced switching diode and photovoltaic effects in BiFeO3 based thin films. Nanotechnology 2013, 24:275201. Published online 13 Jun 2013. (引用: 112. IF: 3.3...
- 5.17. Xia, Ji; Tian, Ran; Guo,Yiping; Du, Qi; Dong, Wen; Guo, Runjiang; Fu, Xiuwu; Guan; Li Zn2SnO4-carbon cloth freestanding flexible anodes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. Materials & Design, 2018, 156:272-277. Publish online 30 June 2018. (引用: 17, IF: 5.779)
- 6.16. Xiao, Hongyuan; Wang, Yufeng; Jiao, Nan; Guo, Yiping; Dong, Wen; Zhou, Hua; Li, Qian; Sun, Chengjun. Understanding the Role of Oxygen Vacancy in Visible–Near‐Infrared‐Light‐Absorbing Ferroelectric Perovskite Oxides Created by Off‐Stoichiometry. Advanced Electronic Mat...