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讲师(高校) 硕士生导师
毕业院校:中国科学技术大学 & 香港城市大学
2021 华中科技大学“优秀教师班主任”
2021 华中科技大学“我最喜爱的教师班主任”
2023 华中科技大学教师教学竞赛一等奖
2017 信息系统研究与创新国际会议 最佳论文奖
- [21] Zhang, Q., Wu, M., Zhao, J. L., & Liang, L. (2018). Lenders’ Perceived Risk in Online P2P Lending: the Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018).
- [22] 徐孝娟,赵宇翔,吴曼丽。面向数字移民的公共图书馆联动服务模式研究—基于数字移民使用障碍及需求调研[J]。图书情报工作, 2017。.
- [23] 徐孝娟,赵宇翔,吴曼丽,蒋佳新,李霖。境外代际学习进展及前沿展望研究[J]。远程教育杂志, 2017。.
- [24] 徐孝娟,赵宇翔,吴曼丽,朱庆华,邵艳丽。S-O-R理论视角下的社交网站用户流失行为实证研究 [J]。情报杂志, 2017。.
- [25] Wu, M., Kang, L., Li, X., & Zhao, J. L. (2016). Participation in open knowledge-sharing community: Expectancy value perspective. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2016). .
- [26] Wu, M., Wang, Y., Zhao, J. L., & Liang, L. (2015). Self-Regulated Learning: A Study of Feedback Seeking by Integrating Self-Motives and Social Influences in an Online Context. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015). .
- [27] Wu, M., Leon Zhao, J. L., Ho, S., & Liang, L. (2015). Effect of Feedback on Creativity in Social Learning Contexts. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015). .
- [28] Wu, J., Fan, S., Wu, M., & Zhao, J. L. (2014). Formation and Effect of Social Interactions in Online Brand Community: An Empirical Investigation, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2014)..
- [29] Manli Wu, Xiaojuan Xu, Lele Kang, J. Leon Zhao, Liang Liang, “Encouraging People to Embrace Feedback Seeking in Online learning: An Investigation of Informational and Relational Drivers”, Internet Research, 2019, 29(4): 749-771. (SSCI ).
- [30] Manli Wu, Lele Kang, Yani Shi, J. Leon Zhao, Liang Liang, “Why People Are Involved in and Committed to Online Knowledge-Sharing Communities: An Expectancy-Value Perspective”, Journal of Global Information Management, 2019, 27(2): 78-101. (SSCI & SCI).