25. Wei-Hai Chen#, Xu Yu#, Wei-Ching Liao, Y ang Sung Sohn, Alessandro Cecconello, Anna Kozell, Rachel Nechushtai, Itamar Willner*, ATP-Responsive Aptamer-Based Metal Organic Framework Nanoparticles (NMOFs) for the Controlled Release of Loads and Drugs. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27, 1702102. (#Equal contribution, Feature as inside back cover story, IF: 18.808).
Release time:2022-01-16Hits:
Next One:26. Wei-Hai Chen#, Xu Yu#, Alessandro Cecconello, Yang Sung Sohn, Rachel Nechushtaib, Itamar Willner*, Stimuli-Responsive Release of Loads from Metal-Organic-Framework Nanoparticles Using pH- and Metal-Ion Dependent DNAzymes as Locks. Chemical Science, 2017, 8, 5769-5780. (#Equal contribution, IF: 9.825).