Yonggang Yao

Professor    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

  • Professional Title:Professor
  • Gender:Male
  • Status:Employed
  • Department:School of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Alma Mater:University of Maryland


英文主页 >>Profile:

Yonggang Yao, Professor in MSE at HUST. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Maryland with Dr. Liangbing Hu (胡良兵). His group mainly focuses on the transient high-temperature synthesis and data-driven material discovery, particularly in the field of energy materials and low-carbon rapid manufacturing. He has published >100 papers in high-profile journals like Science and Nature, with a total citation of over 10000. He has also been ranked  "World's Top 2% Scientist" by Stanford University and "Highly-Cited Researchers" by Clarivate. He received the 2020 “R&D 100 award”, 2022 Metals Young Investigator Award, 2022 DAMO Young Academy Fellow, and MIT TR35 China.