2010年本科毕业于北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院(导师:马朝利教授),同年在国家留学基金委资助下赴日本东北大学(Tohoku University)公派留学(导师:Prof. Kyosuke Yoshimi, Prof. Kouichi Maruyama),2015年获得材料科学博士学位,同时入选“日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员”,2018年入职华中科技大学从事先进航空航天材料的研究,现为航空航天学院副教授。主持JSPS人才项目、国家自然科学基金、湖北省...
Tohoku University With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Tohoku University With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
Beihang University Undergraduate
Ultrahigh-temperature materials and high entropy alloys
High-temperature corrosion of metals
Additive manufacturing of advanced metallic materials
Mi Zhao, Wei Ye, Mengyuan Zhu, Yuteng Gui, Wei Guo*, Shusen Wu, Youwei Yan, “From Mo–Si–B to Mo–Ti–Si–B alloys: a short review”
Yuteng Gui, Mi Zhao*, Sheng Yu, Jie Wu*, Shusen Wu, Youwei Yan, “Microstructure and oxidation behaviour of Y-added Mo-Ti-Si-B alloys”
Peng Zhang, Boyang Xu, Jianquan Zhao, Shengming Yin, Youwei Yan, Mi Zhao*, “Fabrication of oxide-dispersion-strengthened ferritic alloys by mechanical alloying using pre-alloyed powder”
Mi Zhao, Boyang Xu, Peng Zhang, Junjie Xu, Yong Jiang*, Feng Liu, Youwei Yan*, “Microstructure development of Y–Ti–O dispersion strengthened Cu alloys fabricated by mechanical alloying”
Mi Zhao, Boyang Xu, Yuman Shao, Yan Zhu, Jie Wu*, Shusen Wu, Youwei Yan, “Microstructure and oxidation mechanism of multiphase Mo–Ti–Si–B alloys at 800 °C”
Mi Zhao, Yuman Shao, Weijie Zheng, Yonghua Luo, Jichao Qiao, Shusen Wu, Youwei Yan, Wei Guo*, “Tailoring the damping and mechanical properties of porous NiTi by a phase leaching process”