·Paper Publications
- [31] 陈德智, 张黎明, 樊明武等. 使用ANSYS软件进行回旋加速器磁铁三维分析. 电工技术杂志, 2004(增刊): 3-7.
- [32] 张黎明, 陈德智, 樊明武等. 回旋加速器磁场若干参数的有限元分析. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 32(10): 54-56.
- [33] 时振堂, 陈德智. 涡流检测信号小波除噪与缺陷特征提取. 无损检测, 2003, 25(9): 472-490, 493.
- [34] Chen Dezhi, K. R. Shao, and J. D. Lavers, “Very fast numerical analysis of Benchmark Models of eddy current testing for steam generator tube,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2002, 38(5): 2355-2357.
- [35] 陈德智, 邵可然. 时谐涡流问题并矢格林函数实用近似表达式. 电机与控制学报, 2002, 6(2): 128-131.
- [36] Chen Dezhi, K. R. Shao, Yu Haitao and J. D. Lavers, “A novel finite analytic element method for solving eddy current problems with moving conductors,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2001, 37(5): 3150-3154.
- [37] 黄水龙, 邵可然, 陈德智. 微型超导磁体的场型分布及其结构优化. 华中科技大学学报, 2001, 29(10): 44-46, 49.
- [38] 孙晓云, 陈德智, 盛剑霓. 通过扰动磁场识别缺陷. 无损检测, 2001, 23(2): 47-50.
- [39] Chen Dezhi, K. R. Shao, Sheng Jianni and Yan Weili, “Eddy current interaction with a thin crack in a plate conductor,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.36(4), July, 2000: 1745-1749.
- [40] 陈德智, 邵可然. 管道裂纹涡流检测线圈阻抗信号的快速仿真. 电工技术学报, 2000, 15(6): 75-78.