Associate professor
Pre One:Skaff NK, Cheng Q, Clemesha RE, Collender PA, Gershunov A, Head JR, Hoover CM, Lettenmaier DP, Rohr JR, Snyder RE, Remais JV. (2020) Thermal thresholds heighten sensitivity of West Nile virus transmission to changing temperatures in coastal California. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287(1932):2020 1065.
Next One:Head JR, Andrejko K, Cheng Q, Collender PA, Phillips S, Boser A, Heaney AK, Hoover CM, Wu SL, Northrup GR, Click K. (2021) The effect of school closures and reopening strategies on COVID-19 infection dynamics in the San Francisco Bay Area: a cross-sectional survey and modeling analysis. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2021 Apr 14;18(177):20200970.