Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Computer Science and Technology
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Discipline:Computer Architecture
Changnian Chen, Jiazhong Chen, Tao Xia, Zengwei Ju, and Lai-Man Po. An improved hybrid fast mode decision method for H.264/AVC intra coding with local information. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications. Springer, 72(1): 687-704, 2014. (SCI收录 IF: 1.346)
Pre One:陈加忠, 马丙鹏, 范晔斌, 李榕, 曹华. 基于封闭先验的图像显著度检测. 软件学报增刊, 26(Suppl(2)): 208-217, 2015. [SalMaps]
Next One:[2] Bo Feng, Dario J. Pasadas, Artur L. Ribeiro, Helena G. Ramos*. Locating Defects in Anisotropic CFRP Plates Using ToF-Based Probability Matrix and Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 68(5), 1252-1260.
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