2. Ke Chen; Guangwei Wu. Comparisonof the Potential Impact to the Prediction of Typhoons of Various MicrowaveSounders Onboard a Geostationary Satellite, Remote Sensing, 2022.
- 上一条:3. Dou, Haofeng; Chen, Ke*; Li, Qingxia; Jin, Rong; Wu, Yuanchao; Lei, Zhenyu. Analysis and Correction of the Rank-Deficient Error for 2-D Mirrored Aperture Synthesis, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021, 59(3): 2222-2230
- 下一条:1. Ke Chen; Xulei Fan; Wei Han; Hongyi Xiao . A remapping technique of FY-3D MWRI based on a convolutional neural network for the reduction of representativeness error, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022