·Paper Publications
Chen, L.; Ye, L.; Singh, V.P.; Zhou, J.; Guo, S., Determination of Input for Artificial Neural Networks for Flood Forecasting Using the Copula Entropy Method, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2014.11, 19(11).
Release time:2020-04-29  Hits:
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Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S.; Zhou, J.; Ye, L., Copula entropy coupled with artificial neural network for rainfall-runoff simulation, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2014. 28(7): 1755~1767.
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Chen, L.; Singh, V.P.; Guo, S., Measure of Correlation between River Flows Using the Copula-Entropy Method, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2013. 18(12): 1591~1606.