9.Jing‑jing Chang(#); Ying‑chun Chen(*); Hong‑xia Gao; Effect of inappropriate admissions on hospitalization performance in county hospitals: a cross‑sectional study in rural China;Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 2019.5.27, 17(2).
10.Dai Su(#); Yingchun Chen(*); Hongxia Gao; Is There a Dierence in the Utilisation of Inpatient Services Between Two Typical Payment Methods of Health Insurance? Evidence from the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme in China;International Journal Environment Research and Public Health, 2019.4.19, 16(16) ; .
11.Xiaomei Hu(#); Yingchun Chen(*); Hongxia Gao(#);Determinants of inappropriate admission of elderly people in county level hospitals: a cross-sectional study in rural China;BMJ Open, 2019.2.19, 9(4).
12.Shi-han Lei(#); Ying-chun Chen(*); Yan Zhang; Determinants of inappropriate admissions of children to county hospitals: a cross sectional study from rural China;BMC Health Services Research, 2019.2.1, 19(126).
13.Dai Su(#); Yingchun Chen(*); Hongxia Gao; Does County-Level Medical Centre Policy Influence the Health Outcomes of Patients with Trauma Transported by the Emergency Medical Service System? An Integrated Emergency Model in Rural China;International Journal of Environment Research Public Health, 2019.1.6, 16(133) ;.
14.Dai Su(#); Ying-chun Chen(*); Hong-xia Gao; Effect of integrated urban and rural residents medical insurance on the utilisation of medical services by residents in China: a propensity score matching with difference-in-differences regression approach; BMJ open, 2019.1.2, 9(2) ; .
15.Li haomiao (#); Yingchun Chen(*); Hongxia Gao; Changes in inpatients' distribution and benefits under institution level–based quota payment for specific diseases in rural China: An interrupted time‐series analysis; International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2018.9.26, 2018: 1~11 ;.