Chen Yuntian
·Paper Publications
Indexed by: Journal paper
Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett.
Affiliation of Author(s): 光电学院,国家光电研究中心
Place of Publication: 美国
Discipline: Engineering
Funded by: 自然科学基金
Document Type: J
Volume: 107
Issue: 12
Page Number: 123602
Key Words: 无
DOI number: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.123602
Date of Publication: 2011-09-16
Abstract: We report an experimental technique to map and exploit the local density of optical states of arbitrary planar nanophotonic structures. The method relies on positioning a spontaneous emitter attached to a scanning probe deterministically and reversibly with respect to its photonic environment while measuring its lifetime. We demonstrate the method by imaging the enhancement of the local density of optical states around metal nanowires. By nanopositioning, the decay rate of a pointlike source of fluorescence can be reversibly and repeatedly changed by a factor of 2 by coupling it to the guided plasmonic mode of the wire.
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