·Paper Publications
Ming Zhang*, Zheng Huang, Zhongrong Shen, Yingpeng Gong, Bo Chi*, Jian Pu, Jian Li, High-Performance Aqueous Rechargeable Li-Ni Battery Based on Ni(OH)2/NiOOH Redox Couple with High Voltage, Advanced Energy Materials, 7 (2017) 1700155(ESI高被引论文)
Release time:2020-09-23  Hits:
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Junfang Cheng, Yuexing Jiang, Ming Zhang, Yu Sun, Lu Zou, Bo Chi*, Jian Pu, Li Jian, Aprotic lithium–air batteries tested in ambient air with a high‐performance and low‐cost bifunctional perovskite catalyst, ChemCatChem, 10 (2018) 1635-1642
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Congcong Wu*, Haijin Li, Yongke Yan, Bo Chi*, Jian Pu, Jian Li, Mohan Sanghadasa, Shashank Priya*, Cost-effective sustainable-engineering of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells through slicing and restacking of 2D layers, Nano Energy, 36 (2017) 295-302