·Paper Publications
Saturated Output Regulation Approach for Active Vibration Control of Thin-WalledFlexible Workpieces With Voice Coil Actuators , Hai-Tao Zhang; Zhiyong Chen*; Puwei Chen; Xiaoming Zhang; Han Ding; IEEE/ASME Transactions onMechatronics, 2016, 21(1): 266-275. (期刊论文)
Release time:2021-05-12  Hits:
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Aunified analytical cutting force model for variable helix end mills , Ding Chen; Xiaojian Zhang*; Yakun Xie; Xiaoming Zhang; Han Ding; International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 92(9-12): 3167-3185.(期刊论文)
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Dual sliding modecontouring control with high accuracy contour error estimation for five-axisCNC machine tools , Xiangfei Li; Huan Zhao*; Xin Zhao; Han Ding; International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2016, 108: 74-82. (期刊论文)