·Paper Publications
Zeng, Bing, Yan Dong*. "An improved harmony search based energy-efficient routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks." Applied Soft Computing, 41 (2016): 135-147. IF 3.541. ESI 高被引论文
Release time:2018-06-05  Hits:
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Wang, Chen, Hongbo Jiang, and Yan Dong*. "Connectivity-Based Space Filling Curve Construction Algorithms in High Genus 3D Surface WSNs." ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 12.3 (2016): 22, IF 2.322.
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Zeng, Bing; Dong, Yan; Li, Xinyu,IHSCR: Energy-efficient clustering and routing for wireless sensor networks based on harmony search algorithm, International journal of distributed sensor networks, 11(13), NOV 17 2017. IF 1.239.