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Haisheng Fang, male, born in October 1979 in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, is a doctor, professor and doctoral supervisor. He is currently Vice Dean of the institute of Energy and Power Engineering, mainly responsible for scientific research, finance and international affairs. Since December 2010, he has taught at the institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and established the Multiscale Process Modeling Laboratory (http://mpml.energy.hust.edu.cn). His researches focus on multi-scale, multi-physical fields and process optimization of new energy, new technology and new materials, such as 3D inkjet printing, crystals, glass-ceramics and so on. The research direction of this laboratory belongs to the interdisciplinary fields of engineering thermophysics, materials, optics, machinery and so on, in which engineering thermophysics is dominant. Professor Fang  received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 2008. In August 2010, he completed a two-year post-doctoral study in materials sciences division in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Over the years when he is working in HUST, he leads the members of the research team has made outstanding achievements. A total of 55 SCI papers have been published, and 7 invention patents have been granted. A 500,000-word monograph entitled 'Transport Phenomena and Crystal Defects in Crystal Growth' has been published by Science Press of China (2019, Beijing). He gets fundings from the National Natural Science Foundation of China continuously, including one youth and two regular projects. The group published two papers in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Prof. Fang served as session organizer and chair of the 2019 ASME Summer Fluid Conference in San Francisco, USA. In the 17th National Conference on Crystal Growth and Materials Science in the summer of 2015, Prof. Fang won 'the excellent paper' as the invited spearker, and served as the chairman of the branch conference.