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2021 全国科技系统抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进个人
2017 “卫生管理专业培养模式及人才质量提升策略研究”获华中科技大学教学成果二等奖
2017 华中科技大学“教学名师”称号
2015 华中科技大学“知心导师”称号
2013 指导的《国家基本公共卫生服务项目乡村两级职责分工现状分析》获湖北省大学生优秀成果奖
2012 指导的《农村公共卫生绩效反馈控制研究》获湖北省优秀博士论文
2011 华中科技大学“师表”奖
2008 华中科技大学教学成果一等奖
2007 医药卫生管理学院第一届优秀教师
2007 华中科技大学“我最喜爱的导师”
2006 华中科技大学研究生教学质量二等奖
2005 华中科技大学“三育人积极分子”
2005 华中科技大学“师德先进个人”
- [11] Public awareness of malaria in the middle stage of national malaria elimination programme. A cross-sectionalsurvey in rural areas of malaria-endemic counties.
- [12] Factors Influencing Health Knowledge and Behaviors among the Elderly in Rural China.
- [13] Burden of asthma, dyspnea, and chronic cough in South Asia.
- [14] Participation in physical activity and back pain among an elderly population in South Asia.
- [15] To Share or Not to Share: A Cross-Sectional Study on Health Information Sharing and Its Determinants Among Chinese Rural Chronic Patients.
- [16] Prevalence of Tobacco Smoking and Determinants of Success in Quitting Smoking among Patients with Chronic Diseases: A Cross-Sectional Study in Rural Western China.
- [17] Improving local health workers' knowledge of malaria in the elimination phase-determinants and strategies: a cross-sectional study in rural China.
- [18] Knowledge about mother–to–child transmission of HIV, its prevention and associated factors among Ethiopian women.
- [19] Economic burden of malaria inpatients during National Malaria Elimination Programme: estimation of hospitalization cost and its inter-province variation, Malaria Journal.
- [20] Satisfaction about Patient-centeredness and Healthcare System among Patients with Chronic Multimorbidity.