Fu Cai

·Personal Information

Current position: 英文主页 >Personal Information

付才:华中科技大学网络空间安全学院教授,博士生导师,信息安全实验室主任,武汉英才,光谷3551人才。中国密码学会,计算机学会以及IEEE成员。长期参与网络与信息安全方面的科研工作,是国家有关部门多项安全系统技术负责人。主要研究方向为代码安全、移动网络安全、网络行为分析;在TDSC、TCSS、计算机学报、中国科学、JPDC、IJCI、HPCC、TrustCom、ISPA等期刊、国际会议上发表文章50余篇,并40余次被SCI,EI检索;担任“江城2007”网络攻防项目总指挥;2003 年以《金盾防密码窃取安全中间件》获深圳市科技进步奖;2008年获湖北省自科基金资助;2009年以及2012年获国家自科基金资助;2010年获华科大国防创新基金资助;2011与2014年获华为创新基金资助;2013年获Intel国际合作恶意代码研究资助;2015年恶意代码多态聚类及隐式空间研究获国家自科面上基金资助;2016年获中航工业集团测量恶意代码检测资助;多次指导学生参加全国信安大赛,获全国一等/二等奖多项。2021年获湖北省科技进步一等奖。实验室介绍博客www.weibo.com/hustsecurity,欢迎对代码空间感兴趣的同学报考团队的硕士/博士研究生。







[1]     Shuai He, Cai Fu*, Hong Hu, Jiahe Chen, Jianqiang Lv, and Shuai Jiang. 2024. MalwareTotal: Multi-Faceted and Sequence-Aware Bypass Tactics against Static Malware Detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 172, 1–12.(CCF A)

[2]     Xiaowei Guo, Cai Fu*, Juan Chen, Hongle Liu, Lansheng Han, Wenjing Li, Enhancing Robustness of Code Authorship Attribution through Expert Feature Knowledge[C]. The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2024(CCF A)

[3]     Wenke Li,Feng Wu, Cai Fu*, Fan Zhou. A Large-Scale Empirical Study on Semantic Versioning in Golang Ecosystem. the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE2023), Mon 11 - Fri 15 September 2023 Kirchberg, Luxembourg(CCF A).

[4] Jia Yang, Cai Fu*, Fengyang Deng,etc. Toward Interpretable Graph Tensor Convolution Neural Network for Code Semantics Embedding. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology(TOSEM).2023.2, doi.org/10.1145/3582574 (CCF A Q1)

[5] Jia Yang, Cai Fu*, xiaoyang Liu, Heng Yin, Pan Zhou. Codee: A Tensor Embedding Scheme for Binary Code Search. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2021.3 VOL. 48, NO. 7, JULY 2022,pp2224-2243 (CCF A)

[6] Cai Fu(付才),Xiao-yang Liu,Jia Yang, Laurence T. Yang,Shu Yu, Tianqing zhu. Wormhole: The Hidden Virus Propagation Power of a Search Engine in Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.16(4),July-Aug.1 2019:693-710, DOI:  10.1109/TDSC.2017.2703887,(CCF A)

[7] Yuanhai Fan, Chuanhao Wan, Cai Fu*, Lansheng Han, Hao Xu. VDoTR: Vulnerability detection based on tensor representation of comprehensive code graphs. Computers & Security. 130, July.2023:pp103247 (CCF B)

[8] 吕建强,付才,何帅等.Xgadget:基于动静结合的二进制Gadget搜索.计算机工程与应用, May.2023:pp1-12(CCF T2) 

[9] 冯冠云, 付才, 吕建强, 韩兰胜.基于操作注意力和数据增强的内部威胁检测.网络与信息安全学报. 9(3), June.2023:pp102-112(CCF T2)

[10] Jia Yang, Cai Fu*, XiaoYang Liu, and Walid Anwar. Recommendations in Smart Devices Using Federated Tensor Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(11),2022,June:8425-8437 (Q1)

[11] 杨佳,付才*,韩兰胜,鲁宏伟,刘京亮 . 云环境下基于函数编码的移动应用克隆检测.通信学报,2019.8,40(8):pp60-71

[12] Shuai Jiang; Cai Fu*; Yekui Qian; Shuai He; Jianqiang Lv; Lansheng Han,IFAttn: Binary code similarity analysis based on interpretable features with attention,Computer Security, Elsevier, 2022, 120: 102804 CCF B(Q2)

[13] Fengyang Deng; Cai Fu*; Yekui Qian; Jia Yang; Shuai He; Hao Xu,Federated learning based multi‐task feature fusion framework for code expressive semantic extraction,Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, 2022, 52(8): 1849-1866 CCF B( Q2)

[14] Jia Yang, Cai Fu*, Hongwei Lu. Optimized and Federated Soft-Impute for Privacy-Preserving Tensor Completion in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems. Information Sciences. V564, 2021.7 ,pp103-123. DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2021.02.028 CCF B(Q1)

[15] Jiang, Shuai; Hong, Yao; Fu, Cai*. Function-level obfuscation detection method based on Graph Convolutional Networks, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2021,61(102954) SCI CCF C(Q2)

[16] Cai Fu(付才) ,Zhao Yang, Xiao-Yang Liu ,Jia Yang ,Anwar Walid ,and Laurence T. Yang.Secure Tensor Decomposition for Heterogeneous Multimedia Data in Cloud Computing. IEEE Transactions On Computational Social Systems.7(1), Feb. 2020:pp247-260(Q1)

[17] Cai Fu(付才),Chenchen Peng, xiaoyang Liu, Laurence T. Yang, Jia Yang, Lansheng Han. Search Engine: The Social Relationship Driving Power of Internet of Things, Future Generation Computer Systems, 92(3), March 2019:pp972-986(SCI  Q2,  中科院3区)

[18] Min Li,Cai Fu*(付才),xiaoyang Liu,Jia yang,Tianqing zhu,Lansheng han. Evolutionary virus immune strategy for temporal networks based on community vitality. Future Generation Computer Systems, DOI:10.1016/j.future.2016.05.015, Volume 74, September 2017:pp276-290 SCI Q1(SCI  Q1,  中科院2区)

[19] Lin Sun, Cai Fu*(付才), Ming Fu, Deliang Xu, Lansheng Han, Deqing Zou. System Recovery-aware Virus Propagation Model and Its Steady-state Analysis. China  Communications, 2016,13(5):pp151-161(SCI) (SCI  Q2,  中科院3区)

[20] FU Cai (付才),Li Min, Zhang Yun He, Zou deqing,Han Lansheng. A Hierarchical Virus Immunization Method for Community Networks. China Communications.2014.9.V11(9):148-159(SCI) (SCI  Q2,  中科院3区)

[21] Fu Cai,(付才) Huang Qingfeng,Han Lansheng,Shen Li,Liu Xiaoyang. Virus propagation power of the dynamic network. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,2013,v2013:210, 1687-1499 DOI: 10.1186/1687-1499-2013-210 (SCI) (SCI  Q3,  中科院4区)

[22] Fu Cai(付才), Gao Xiang. GRAP: Grey risk assessment based on projection in ad hoc networks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v 71, n 9, September 2011: p 1249-1260 (SCI) (SCI  Q2,  中科院2区)

[23] Han Lansheng, Fu Cai*(付才 通信作者).Task-based behavior detection of illegal codes. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, v55,n1, 2012,1:p80-86(SCI) (无中科院分区排名)

[24] Haotian Zhou, Xiao-Yang Liu, *Cai Fu(付才), Chen Shang, Xinyi Chang.Differentially Private Matrix Completion via Distributed Matrix Factorization,The 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (IEEE TrustCom-18) July 31th - August 3rd, 2018, New York, USA.pp1628-1631

[25] Changming Liu, Cai Fu*, Deliang Xu,Lin Sun, Lansheng Han, An Energy-Balanced WSN Algorithm Based on Active Hibernation and Data Recovery,The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015),Zhangjiajie, China, November 18-20, 2015