·Paper Publications
甘早斌,鲁宏伟, 赵贻竹.科创项目模式在本科课堂教学和课程设计中的探索. 现代教育技术, 第24卷, 第160期, 113-118页, 2014
Release time:2018-03-11  Hits:
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Hongwei Lu, Qian Zhao, and Zaobin Gan*. A Community Detection Algorithm Based on the Similarity Sequence. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering(WISE 2014). Thrssaloniki, Greece, 12-14 October 2014. LNCS 8786, pp. 63-78, 2014
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甘早斌,曾灿,马尧,鲁宏伟. 基于信任网络的C2C电子商务信任计算. 软件学报. 第26卷, 第8期, 1946-1959页, 2015