Gu Yanlong


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Department:School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science

Discipline:Physical Chemistry

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Current position: 英文主页 >Profile:

Yanlong Gu was born in 1978, and received his BSc degree in 1999 from Inner Mongolia University, Huhehot, China. In 2005, Yanlong Gu obtained his PhD degree from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science under supervision of Professor Youquan Deng. He started then a journey as post-doc researcher in the group of Prof. Shu Kobayashi, The University of Tokyo (JST project), Japan, and the group of Prof. Francois Jerome, The University of Poitiers (CNRS post-doc), France. Since October 2008, Yanlong Gu become a professor in School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. Yanlong Gu has a broad interest in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and organic synthesis. Yanlong Gu is strongly involved in the study of green solvents, such as ionic liquids and bio-based media. His research efforts are focusing on (i) catalysis with acid catalyst, particularly the acid-acid-catalysed tandem reactions for the synthesis of valuable heterocycles; (ii) immobilization of homogeneous catalyst by reaction media or solid supports. In the past decade, Yanlong Gu has published more than 100 research papers, 5 reviews in international peer review journals, and contributed three book chapters in the fields. Six of Yanlong Gu’s publications were listed as Highly Cited Papers in the past five years. H index of his first-author- corresponding-author-publications reached 30 in 2019. Yanlong Gu has been invited by many international conferences as plenary or key-note speakers. Yanlong Gu is a board member and Region editor in Asian of Current Organic Chemistry and a committee member of ionic liquid division, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and a committee member of green chemistry division, Chinese Chemical Society. In 2009, he received an award of New Century Excellent Talents in Chinese Universities. In 2012, Yanlong Gu received Chinese Rising Star Award in Catalysis.

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