Lansheng Han
·Paper Publications
Lansheng Han, Yongquan Cui, Congying Dou, Nan Du, Shuaxia Han, Jingmao You, Equilibrium Index and Core Node Set of New Social Networks. IEEE Access, 05 February 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ ACCESS, Page(s): 9059 - 9069. 2018. 2801828 (SCI期刊,中科院2区,CCF B,JCR Q1,IF 3.58)
Release time:2020-07-24  Hits:
Pre One::
Jianhao Ding, lansheng Han*(通讯作者), Dan Li. An Adaptive Control Momentum Method as an Optimizer in the Cloud, Future Generation Computer Systems. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier,Volume 89, Pages 192-200 (December 2018) (SCI期刊, 中科院1区,CCF B,JCRQ1,5-years IF 4.968)
Next One::
Lansheng Han, SongSong Liu*, Shuxia Han, Wenjing Jia Jingwei Lei. Owner Based Malware Discrimination. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier,2018/03/Volume 80 Pages 496-504(SCI期刊, 中科院1区,CCF B,JCR Q1,IF:4.968)