·Paper Publications
1. <span style="color:darkred">Tao Han</span>, G. Mao, Q. Li, L. Wang, and J. Zhang, “Interference Minimization in 5G Heterogeneous Networks,” *Mobile Networks and Applications*, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 756–762, 2015.
Release time:2024-05-24  Hits:
Pre One::
1. X. Ge, B. Yang, J. Ye, G. Mao, C.-X. Wang, and <span style="color:darkred">Tao Han *(Corresponding Author)*</span>, “Spatial spectrum and energy efficiency of random cellular networks,” *IEEE Transactions on Communications*, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1019–1030, 2015. **(ESI Highly Cited Paper)**
Next One::
1. X. Ge, S. Tu, G. Mao, C. X. Wang, and <span style="color:darkred">Tao Han *(Corresponding Author)*</span>, “5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks,” *IEEE Wireless Communications*, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 72–79, Feb. 2016. **(ESI Highly Cited Paper)**