·Paper Publications
Lu Zhu, Zheng-Hao He, Zhi-Wen Gao, Fa-Li Tan, Xin-Gui Yue, Jen-Shih Chang. Research on the influence of conductivity to pulsed arc electrohydraulic discharge in water[J], Journal of Electrostatics, 2014, 72: 53-58
Release time:2018-09-18  Hits:
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Hao Wu, Zhenghao He, Lei Wang, Zhaoliang Zhang, Runkai Guo, and Jun Ma. Effect of the Trigger Circuit on Delay Characteristics of a Triggered Vacuum Switch With a Six-Gap Rod Electrode System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2011, 39(1): 335-341
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Heming Deng, Zhenghao He, Yuhang Xu, Jun Ma, Junxiang Liu and Runkai Guo . An investigation on two-phase mixture discharges: the effects of macroparticle sizes[J]. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2010, 43(25): 225203.1–225203.11.