3. Ang Hu, Zirui Jin, Xiaoyu Shan, Mengming Zhang, Dongsheng Liu, Xuecheng Zou “Fractional Spurs Reduction Technique Using Probability Density Shaping Sigma-Delta Modulator and Fractional Frequency Divider”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, vol 70, no. 2, 2023,pp: 456-460(集成电路领域高水平期刊,2区,IF:3.691)
Release time:2023-03-06
- Pre One:8. Dongsheng Liu, Ang Hu* and Kefeng Zhang, “A Quadrature Single Side-Band Mixer with Passive Negative Resistance in Software-Defined Frequency Synthesizer” Sensors 2018, 18, 3455, pp: 1-16 (IF:3.576)
- Next One:10. XiaokeTang, Xu Zhao, Ang Hu*, Dongsheng Liu, Zirui Jin, “A 433/2400MHz Dual-Band Frequency Synthesizer with Glitch-Free Phase-Interpolated Frequency Divider and Hybrid Post-Synthesizer”, Microelectronics Journal, Volume 116, October 2021