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研究员(自然科学) 博士生导师 硕士生导师
- [11] Qi Lu, Qiang Liu, Wei Jiang, Jinsong Xia, Qingzhong Huang* High-Capacity and Dispersionless Delay Lines Based on Plasmonic Waveguide Periodically Coupled With Bilaterally Located Ring and Slot Resonators, IEEE Photonics Journal 9(6), 4900611, 2017.
- [12] Qingzhong Huang*, Kun Jie, Qiang Liu, Ying Huang, Yi Wang, and Jinsong Xia, Ultra-compact, broadband tunable optical bandstop filters based on a multimode one-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide, Optics Express Vol. 24, Issue 18, pp. 20542-2055, 2016.
- [13] Qingzhong Huang*, Juguang Chen, Ge Song, Kun Jie, Zhenzheng Wang, Yi Wang, Jinsong Xia, and Jinzhong Yu, Experimental demonstration of a microdisk resonator filter/buffer utilizing two-mode interference Optics Letters Vol. 39, No. 23, pp. 6553-6556, 2014.
- [14] Qingzhong Huang* and Jinzhong Yu Coherent interaction between two orthogonal travelling-wave modes in a microdonut resonator for filtering and buffering applications Optics Express Vol 22, No 21, pp. 25171-25182, 2014. .
- [15] Qingzhong Huang*, Zhan Shu, Ge Song, Chen Juguang, Jinsong Xia, Jinzhong Yu, Electromagnetically induced transparency-like effect in a two-bus waveguides coupled microdisk resonator Optics Express, Vol 22, No 3, pp. 3219-3227, 2014 .
- [16] Qingzhong Huang*, Ge Song, Juguang Chen, Zhan Shu, Jinzhong Yu, Proposal and fabrication of an electrooptically controlled multimode microresonator for continuous fast-to-slow light tuning IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol 6, No 4, August 2014.
- [17] Qingzhong Huang, Xinliang Zhang, Jinsong Xia*, Jinzhong Yu, Dual-band optical filter based on a single microdisk resonator Optics Letters Vol 36 No 23, p4494-4496. 2011.
- [18] Qingzhong Huang*, Xinliang Zhang, Jinsong Xia, Jinzhong Yu, Systematic investigation of silicon digital 1×2 electro-optic switch based on a microdisk resonator through carrier injection App. Phys. B 105, p353-361, 2011.
- [19] Qingzhong Huang*, Yude Yu, Jinzhong Yu*, Design and realization of a microracetrack resonator based polarization splitter in silicon-on-insulator, Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics, 11 (1): Art. No. 015506 2009.
- [20] Qingzhong Huang, Yude Yu, Jinzhong Yu*, Experimental investigation on submicron rib waveguide microring/racetrack resonators in silicon-on-insulator, Optics Communications, 282 (1): 22-26 2008.