·Research Projects

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Research Projects
Release time:2021-06-12  Hits:

Note: 国家重点研发计划项目子课题

Supported by: 中国科学技术部

Classification of Project: 基础前沿

Sub-Class of Project: Basic research topic

Type of Project: 核科学技术

Nature of Project: National Key Research and Development Program

Supported by: National Key Technologies R&D Program

Project level: National

Project Number: 2020YFB190140203

Classification of Disciplines: Engineering

Date of Project Approval: 2021-01-01

Scheduled completion time: 2023-10-31

Date of Project Completion: 2023-10-31

Date of Project Initiation: 2021-01-01

Subsidy Amount: 164.0