·Paper Publications
- [21] Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, Bin Qin, Ping Tan, Qushan Chen, Lei Yang, Ji Li, Study of beam transverse properties of a thermionic electron gun for application to a compact THz free electron laser, Review of Scientific Instruments,2014, 85 (10): 103302.
- [22] Tongning Hu, Qushan Chen, Yuanji Pei, Ji Li, Bin Qin, Physical design of FEL injector based on performance-enhanced EC-ITC RF gun, Chinese Physics C, 2014, 38 (1): 018101.
- [23] Tongning Hu, Yuanji Pei, Bin Qin, Qushan Chen, Beam tail effects of performance-enhanced EC-ITC RF gun, Chinese Physics C, 2013, 37 (12): 128101.
- [24] Dong Li, Tongning Hu*, Kaifeng Liu, Jun Yang, Design and research of RF system for 10MeV compact cyclotron,Science China (Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy), 2011, 54 (S2): S225-S230.
- [25] 胡桐宁, 李冬, 杨军, 余调琴, 一种VHF频段高性能定向耦合器的设计与实现, 微电子学与计算机, 2011, 28 (6): 180-183.