D.R. Douglas, S.V. Benson, A. Hofler, R. Kazimi, R. Li, Y. Roblin, C.D. Tennant, G. A. Krafft, B. Terzic and C.-Y. Tsai, Control of Synchrotron Radiation Effects During Recirculation with Bunch Compression, IPAC15, May 3-8, Richmond, Virginia, USA (TUPMA034)
Release time:2019-08-12
Pre One:D.Douglas, R. Li, Y. Roblin, C. Tennant, C.-Y. Tsai, Controlling CSR-Induced Emittance Growth and Microbunching Instability in ERL Arcs, 6th Microbunching Instability Workshop, Trieste, Italy, JLAB-ACP-14-1971
Next One:D.R. Douglas, S.V. Benson, A. Hofler, R. Kazimi, R. Li, Y. Roblin, C.D. Tennant, G. A. Krafft, B. Terzic and C.-Y. Tsai, Control of Synchrotron Radiation Effects During Recirculation, IPAC15, May 3-8, Richmond, Virginia, USA (TUPMA035)