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1. 吸附式碳捕集:包括钙基、镁基等吸附剂,对不同工业源烟气进行碳减排。

2. 热化学储热:合成纳米钙基颗粒,利用钙/碳或钙/水循环,对光热、余热进行循环热化学储能。

3. 化学链重整制氢:对含碳燃料进行化学链重组制氢,利用光热提升燃料品质,控制排放。

4. 二氧化碳重整:利用钙钛矿将二氧化碳与天然气在高温下生成合成气,用于产品原料。

5. 低碳技术经济分析:对不同低碳利用技术,进行热经济性分析与环境评价。

















1. Na2CO3 promoted CaO-based heat carrier for thermochemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 435, 134852.

2. Structure and surface insight into a temperature-sensitive CaO-based CO2 sorbent. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 435, 134960.

3. Optimization of sol-gel combustion synthesis for calcium looping CO2 sorbents, Part Ⅰ: Effects of sol-gel preparation and combustion conditions. Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 292, 121081.

4. Optimization of sol-gel combustion synthesis of calcium looping COsorbents, Part Ⅱ: Effects of thermal activation conditions. Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 292, 121061.

5. Screening loaded perovskite oxygen carriers for chemical looping steam methane reforming. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2022, 10 (2), 107315.

6. Coal-direct chemical looping hydrogen generation with BaMnO3 perovskite oxygen carrier. Fuel Processing Technology 2022, 233, 107296.

7. 钙基吸附剂的CO2捕集及其热化学储能研究进展华中科技大学学报 2022.

8. K改性钙基吸附剂的CO2捕集特性研究工程热物理学报 2022.

9. Study on the effect of NaBr modification on CaO-based sorbent for CO2 capture and SOcapture. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 2021, 1, 100015.

10. Sorption enhanced steam reforming of ethanol over Ni-based catalyst coupling with high-performance CaO pellets. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 406, 126903. (高被引)

11. Glycine tailored effective CaO-based heat carriers for thermochemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants. Energy Conversion and Management 2021, 250C, 114886.

12. Development of a cordierite monolith reactor coated with CeO2-supported BaSrCo-based perovskite for chemical looping steam methane reforming. Fuel Processing Technology 2021, 220, 106889.

13. Effect of different organic compounds on the preparation of CaO-based CO2 sorbents derived from wet mixing combustion synthesis. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2021, 36, 157-169.

14. 不同钙基吸附剂捕集CO2后的硫酸化反应特性研究,洁净煤技术 202127(2)180-186.

15. 合成NaY型沸石的CO2吸附特性,洁净煤技术 202127(3)225-231.

16. Effect of Sodium Bromide on CaO-Based Sorbents Derived from Three Kinds of Sources for CO2 Capture. ACS Omega 2020, 5 (29), 17908-17917.

17. Development of LaFeO3 modified with potassium as catalyst for coal char CO2 gasification. Journal of CO2 Utilization 2019, 32, 163-169.

18. Development of BaSrCo-based perovskite for chemical-looping steam methane reforming: A study on synergistic effects of A-site elements and CeOsupport. Fuel 2019, 253, 311-319.

19. CO2 Adsorption Performance of Na/K-Impregnated MgO, International Symposium on Coal Combustion, Qingdao, Springer, 2019; pp 597-606.

20. Synthesis and performance evaluation of MgAl2O4-stabilized CaO for CO2 capture, 7th International Conference on Power Engineering, 2020; pp 858-862.

21. Effect of sulfation on NaBr modified calcium-based sorbent, 7th International Conference on Power Engineering, Proceedings, 2020; pp 518-523.

22. Investigation on the thermodynamic calculation of a 35 MWth oxy-fuel combustion coal-fired boiler. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2018, 71, 36-45.

23. Potential Synergy of Chlorine and Potassium and Sodium Elements in Carbonation Enhancement of CaO-Based Sorbents. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6 (9), 11677-11684.

24. Porous spherical calcium-based sorbents prepared by a bamboo templating method for cyclic CO2 capture. Fuel 2018, 219, 94-102.

25. Effect of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose on calcium looping behavior of CaO-based sorbents derived from extrusion-spherization method. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 334, 2520-2529. (热点、高被引)

26. Increasing Porosity of Molded Calcium-Based Sorbents by Glucose Templating forCyclic CO2 Capture. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2018, 41 (5), 956-963.

27. NaBr-Enhanced CaO-Based Sorbents with a Macropore-Stabilized Microstructure for CO2 Capture. Energy & Fuels 2018, 32 (8), 8571-8578.

28. NO Removal from Flue Gas Using Conventional Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids at High Pressures. Energy & Fuels 2018, 32 (5), 6039-6048.

29. A novel composite perovskite-based material for chemical-looping steam methane reforming to hydrogen and syngas. Energy Conversion and Management 2018, 171, 12-19.

30. Natural Calcium-Based Sorbents Doped with Sea Salt for Cyclic CO2 Capture. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2017, 40 (3), 522-528.

31. Cyclic CO2 Capture Behavior of Limestone modified by Qinghai Lake Salt During Long-term Calcium Looping Cycles. Proceedings of the ASME Power Conference joint with ICOPE-17, 2017, VOL 1, 2017.

32. Oxygen desorption behavior of sol-gel derived perovskite-type oxides in a pressurized fixed bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 323, 340-346.

33. Macropore-Stabilized Limestone Sorbents Prepared by the Simultaneous Hydration-Impregnation Method for High-Temperature CO2 Capture. Energy & Fuels 2016, 30 (4), 3219-3226. (高被引)

34. Characteristics and performance of CaO-based high temperature CO2 sorbents derived from a sol-gel process with different supports. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (83), 79285-79296.

35. Synthesis and characteristics of BaSrCoFe-based perovskite as a functional material for chemical looping gasification of coal. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2016, 41 (48), 22846-22855.

36. Wet mixing combustion synthesis of CaO-based sorbents for high temperature cyclic CO2 capture. Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 267, 111-116.

37. Cyclic CO2 capture characteristics of a pellet derived from sol-gel CaO powder with Ca12Al14O33 support. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2015, 32 (5), 934-938.

38. Effect of sulfation on CO2 capture of CaO-based sorbents during calcium looping cycle. Fuel 2014, 127, 124-130.

39. Manufacture of calcium-based sorbents for high temperature cyclic CO2 capture via a sol-gel process. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2013, 12, 193-199.

40. Effect of Support Material on Carbonation and Sulfation of Synthetic CaO-Based Sorbents in Calcium Looping Cycle. Energy & Fuels 2013, 27 (8), 4824-4831.

41. Effect of Sulfation during Oxy-Fuel Calcination Stage in Calcium Looping on CO2 Capture Performance of CaO-Based Sorbents. Energy & Fuels 2013, 27 (2), 1008-1014.

42. Calcium Looping Technology Using Improved Stability Nanostructured Sorbent for Cyclic CO2 Capture. Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World, 2012; pp 765-768.

43. Different Sorbents in Calcium Looping Cycle for CO2 Capture. Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable World, 2012; pp 698-701.

44. Morphological Changes of Pure Micro- and Nano-Sized CaCO3 during a Calcium Looping Cycle for CO2 Capture. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2012, 35 (3), 547-554.

45. Enhanced cyclic stability of CO2 adsorption capacity of CaO-based sorbents using La2O3 or Ca12Al14O33 as additives. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 2011, 28 (4), 1042-1046.

46. SGCS-made ultrafine CaO/Al2O3 sorbent for cyclic CO2 capture. Chinese Chemical Letters 2011, 22 (5), 615-618.

47. 纳米复合钙基高温CO2吸收剂的合成与性能,中国电机工程学报 201131(8)45-50.

48. 新型CaO-MgO高温CO2吸收剂的循环反应特性,工程热物理学报 201132(11)1957-1960.

49. Development and Performance of CaO/La2O3 Sorbents during Calcium Looping Cycles for CO2 Capture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2010, 49 (22), 11778-11784.

50. 掺杂镧铝盐对钙基循环捕捉CO2能力的影响,中国电机工程学报 201030(29)49-54.

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