·Paper Publications
- [31] Comparative Study of Microclimate Diversity and Transition Characteristics focused on the Living Environment in the Cold-winter and Hot-summer Area of China.Applied Mechanic and Material,
- [32] 环境适应性视角下的无障碍设计应用探索.《华中建筑》,
- [33] Study on Field Survey Methods of Architectural Heritage Dampness Symptoms of Timber Material.BioTechnology: An Indian Journal,
- [34] 结合光影与空间认知的建筑设计实验性创新教学方法探索.《中国建筑教育》,
- [35] An information system concerning deterioration on murals at Liangyi hall, Wudang Mountain, Hubei, China.Studies in Conservation,
- [36] 结合遮阳与导光需求的动态型遮阳百叶片设计研究初探.《华中建筑》,
- [37] The preliminary study of diagnosis techniques for the building defects with damp by infrared thermography.Advances in Engineering Research,
- [38] 武当山金顶与南岩宫片区道教建筑群的传统环境地理学解读.《建筑学报》,
- [39] 古建筑彩画的二维图像信息现场量测技术数字化实践——以武当山道教建筑两仪殿壁画为例.《华中建筑》,
- [40] 差异、割裂与整合:我国铁路站两侧城市建设关系的演变及其影响因素解析.《城市发展研究》,