Prof. Rong-Zhen Liao obtained his B.Sc. degree from Beijing Normal University in 2005 and his Ph.D. degrees from Stockholm University in 2010 (with Prof. Fahmi Himo) and from Beijing Normal University in 2011 (with Prof. Ruozhuang Liu and Prof. Jianguo Yu). After postdoctoral studies at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (with Prof. Walter Thiel) and at the Stockholm University (with...
Paper Publications
Hui Pan, Lele Duan, Rong-Zhen Liao* Capturing the Role of Phosphate in the Ni-PY5 Catalyzed Water Oxidation. ChemCatChem 2020, 12, 219-226
Release time:2020-01-07 Hits:

Pre One:Shu-Fen Hou, Jia-Yi Chen, Minghui Xue, Mengjing Jia, Xiaofang Zhai, Rong-Zhen Liao*, Chen-Ho Tung, Wenguang Wang* Cooperative Molybdenum-Thiolate Reactivity for Transfer Hydrogenation of Nitriles. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 380−390.

Next One:Xuewen Zhuang, Jia-Yi Chen, Zhuoyi Yang, Mengjing Jia, Chengjuan Wu, Rong-Zhen Liao*, Chen-Ho Tong, Wenguang Wang* Sequential Transformation of Terminal Alkynes to 1,3-Dienes by a Cooperative Cobalt Pyridonate Catalyst.Organometallics 2019, 38, 3752-3759.