Current position: 英文主页 >> Scientific Research >> Paper Publications
Chong Li

Personal Information

Associate professor  
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

S.-L. Xiang, Q.-X. Hua, P.-J. Zhao, W.-L. Gong, C. Li*, M.-Q. Zhu*. Photoplastic Self-Healing Polyurethane Springs and Actuators. Chemistry of Materials 2019, 31(14): 5081-5088.


Pre One:H. Yin, H.-Q. Qu, Z. Liu, R.-Z. Jiang, C. Li*, M.-Q. Zhu*. Long cycle life and high rate capability of three dimensional CoSe2 grain-attached carbon nanofibers for flexible sodium-ion batteries. Nano Energy 2019, 58: 715-723. (ESI高被引论文)

Next One:N.-H. Xie, C. Fan, H. Ye, K. Xiong, C. Li*, M.-Q. Zhu*. Deciphering Erasing/Writing/Reading of Near-Infrared Fluorophore for Nonvolatile Optical Memory. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11(26): 23750-23756.