·Paper Publications
Fangzhou Zhu, Jianjun Li* and Guohui Li. An Efficient Deadline and Period Assignment Scheme for Maintaining Temporal Consistency under EDF, In Proceedings of the Sixth international conference on embedded and multimedia computing (EMC), August 11-13, pp351-362, China, 2011.
Release time:2018-02-28  Hits:
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JianjunLi, Jian-Jia Chen, Ming Xiong and Guohui Li. Workload-Aware Partitioningfor Maintaining Temporal Consistency upon Multiprocessor Platforms. In Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time System Symposium (RTSS), pages 126–135, Vienna,Austria, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2011.
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Guohui Li, Yanhong Li, Jianjun Li, LihChyun Shu and Fuming Yang. Continuous Reverse k Nearest Neighbor Monitoring on Moving Objects in Road Networks. Information System 35(8):860-883, 2010.