Personal information
副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
2018 国际清洁能源拔尖人才
2017 2017-2018校教学质量二等奖
2015 2014-2015校教学质量二等奖
2012 日本新能源产业的技术综合开发机构特聘研究员
2011 日本学术振兴机构 JST 全球 GCOE 项目特聘教授
- [11] Thermal analysis of a 6s4p Lithium-ion battery pack cooled by cold plates based on a multi-domain modeling framework..Applied Thermal Engineering,2020,(5):115216
- [12] Atomistic kinetic Monte Carlo—Embedded atom method simulation on growth and morphology of Cu–Zn–Sn precursor of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells.Journal of Materials Research,2020,252–262
- [13] Catalytic Oxidation of Styrene over Ce-Substituted La1–xCexMnO3 Catalysts..Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2019,(14):5388-5396
- [14] Controllable design of solid-state perovskite solar cells by SCAPS device simulation.Solid-State Electronics,2016,75-80
- [15] Film Morphology and Growth Evolution of Copper Electrodeposition in Stacking Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Precursor: A Kinetic Monte Carlo-Embedded Atom Method Simulation.Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2016,(10):D608-D614
- [16] Mechanistic aspects of preheating effects of electrodeposited metallic precursors on structural and photovoltaic properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films..Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,2014,218-225
- [17] Catalytic gasification of tobacco rob in steam-nitrogen mixture: Kinetic study and fuel gas analysis..Energy,2012,(1):509-514
- [18] Catalytic pyrolysis of tobacco rob: Kinetic study and fuel gas produced.Bioresource Technology,2011,11027-11033
- [19] Study of benzyl paraben photocatalytic degradation by TiO2..Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2011,353-360
- [20] Ozonation of Estrone, Estradiol, Diethylstilbestrol in Waters.Desalination,2009,(1):235-240