Pengfei Li

Personal Information

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  



Department:School of Energy and Power Engineering

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science

Discipline:Thermal Engineering


Dr. Pengfei Li joined Huazhong University of Science and Technology as an Associate Professor in 2016. Dr. Li received his Ph.D. (2013) in Energy and Resource Engineering from Peking University. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at Peking University since 2013 and at the University of Connecticut since 2015. He was also a visiting scholar at the University of Adelaide in 2011. 

His primary research interests include clean combustion such as MILD combustion, oxy-fuel combustion, and low-NOx combustion. He is also interested in computational fluid dynamics and chemical reaction kinetics.

He has published more than 50 papers in international journals such as Combustion and Flame, Proceeding of the Combustion Institute, Fuel, Energy Fuels, Fuel Processing Technology and Energy, et al. He also published 4 books in computational fluid dynamics and flameless combustion and held more than 10 authorized invention patents. 

Tel: +86 27 87542417-8227


Office: Rm 227, State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, China

Educational Experience

2008.9 2013.7

  • 北京大学
  • Doctoral Degree in Science
  • Postgraduate (Doctoral)

2004.9 2008.6

  • 华中科技大学
  • Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)

Work Experience

2015.2 2015.12
  • 美国康涅狄格大学
  • 机械工程学院
  • 博士后
2013.7 2014.12
  • 北京大学
  • 湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室
  • 博士后
2011.4 2011.9
  • 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学
  • 机械工程学院
  • 访问学者

Social Affiliations

  • 学术任职:国际燃烧学会会员、美国化学学会(ACS)会员、国际石油工程师(SPE)学会会员等。

  • 技术服务:与ANSYS公司合作承担教育部产学合作协同育人项目,担任海基科技公司ANSYS FLUENT燃烧及多相流模拟技术顾问,与ANSYS和海基科技公司开展长期产学研合作。

  • 学术评审:Combustion and Flame、Proceedings of the Combustion Institute、Fuel、Energy、Energy Fuels、Energy Conversion and Management、Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Fuel Processing Technology、Applied Energy、Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science、Renewable Energy、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research、Journal of CO2 Utilization、Energy Reports、Advanced Powder Technology和Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering等杂志审稿人,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,教育部学位中心博士与硕士学位论文评议专家。

Research Group

Name of Research Group:华中科技大学低碳燃烧团队