Introducing Electron Buffers into Intermetallic Pt Alloys against Surface Polarization for High-Performing Fuel Cells
- 论文类型:
- Research Article
- 第一作者:
- Liu,Xuan
- 通讯作者:
- Li,Qing
- 合写作者:
- Elbaz,Lior,Huang,Yunhui,Cai,Zhao,Su,Dong,Zhang,Siyang,Li,Shenzhou,Liang,Jiashun,Wang,Yuhan
- 发表刊物:
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- 所属单位:
- 华中科技大学
- 刊物所在地:
- 美国
- 文献类型:
- Article
- 卷号:
- 146
- 期号:
- 3
- 页面范围:
- 2033-2042
- ISSN号:
- 0002-7863
- 关键字:
- Catalysts; Lattices; Platinum; Polarization; Redox reactions
- DOI码:
- 10.1021/jacs.3c10681
- 发表时间:
- 2024-01-11
- 影响因子:
- 14.4
- 摘要:
- Surface polarization under harsh electrochemical environments usually puts catalysts in a thermodynamically unstable state, which strictly hampers the thermodynamic stability of Pt-based catalysts in high-performance fuel cells. Here, we report a strategy by introducing electron buffers (variable-valence metals, M = Ti, V, Cr, and Nb) into intermetallic Pt alloy nanoparticle catalysts to suppress the surface polarization of Pt shells using the structurally ordered L10-M-PtFe as a proof of concept. Operando X-ray absorption spectra analysis suggests that with the potential increase, electron buffers, especially Cr, could facilitate an electron flow to form a electron-enriched Pt shell and thus weaken the surface polarization and tensile Pt strain. The best-performing L10-Cr-PtFe/C catalyst delivers superb oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity (mass activity = 1.41/1.02 A mgPt–1 at 0.9 V, rated power density = 14.0/9.2 W mgPt–1 in H2-air under a total Pt loading of 0.075/0.125 mgPt cm–2, respectively) and stability (20 mV voltage loss at 0.8 A cm–2 after 60,000 cycles of accelerated durability test) in a fuel cell cathode, representing one of the best reported ORR catalysts. Density functional theory calculations reveal that the optimized surface strain by introducing Cr on L10-PtFe/C accounts for the enhanced ORR activity, and the durability enhancement stems from the charge transfer contribution of Cr to the Pt shells and the increased kinetic energy barrier for Pt dissolution/Fe diffusion.