·Paper Publications
Fei Liu, Yan Zhou, Shanxu Duan, Jinjun Yin, Bangyin Liu and Fangrui Liu, “Parameter-design of a two-current-loop controller in a grid-connected inverter system with LCL filter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 11, November 2009, pp. 4483-4491
Release time:2018-08-22  Hits:
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Changsong Chen, Shanxu Duan, Tao Cai, Bangyin Liu and Guozhen Hu, “Smart Energy Management System for Optimal Microgrid Economic Operation,” IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 5, no. 3, May 2011, pp. 258-267
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Qikang Wei, Bangyin Liu, and Shanxu Duan, “Control Bandwidth Extension Method Based on Phase Margin Compensation for Inverters with Low Carrier Ratio,” Journal of Power Electronics, vol. xx, no. x, xxx 201x, pp. xxxx-xxxx (Accepted)