·Paper Publications
97. Feng Dai and B. Liu, Global boundedness of classical solutions to a two species cancer invasion haptotaxis model with tissue remodeling, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 483(2020),123583.
Release time:2020-06-09  Hits:
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98. Feng Dai and B. Liu, Global solution for a general cross-diffusion two-competitive-predator and one-prey system with predator-taxis, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 89(2020),105336.
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96. Guoqiang Ren and B. Liu, GLOBAL BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS TO A CHEMOTAXIS-FLUID SYSTEM WITH SINGULAR SENSITIVITY AND LOGISTIC SOURCE, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis,19:7(2020),3843-3883.