·Paper Publications
115. Guoqiang Ren and Bin Liu ; Global solvability and asymptotic behavior in a two-species chemotaxis system with Lotka–Volterra competitive kinetics, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2021, 31(5):941-978.
Release time:2021-12-27  Hits:
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114. Feng Dai and Bin Liu ; Global Solvability and Optimal Control to a Haptotaxis Cancer Invasion Model with Two Cancer Cell Species, Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 2021, 84:2379-2443.
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116. Feng Dai and Bin Liu ; Global solvability and asymptotic stabilization in a three-dimensional Keller–Segel–Navier–Stokes system with indirect signal production, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2021, 31(10):2091-2163.