2016 华中科技大学“最喜爱的教师班主任”
2019 华中科技大学教学质量二等奖
刘波:副教授,生物医学工程系。2007年毕业于华中科技大学生物医学工程专业,获得工学博士学位,于2008年1月到2010年11月在美国University of Minnesota的生物医学工程系做博士后研究,主要进行基因工程蛋白质用于组织工程的研究。2010年11月加入华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院任教。研究方向为纳米生物医学光子学及纳米生物材料,研究内容主要包括基于多功能纳米探针的多模态成像诊断和治疗技术、基于纳米材料的组织工程应用等。现主持参与多项国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等研究项目;近五年在Advanced Functional Materials、Biomaterials、Chemical Communications 等杂志发表二十余篇SCI收录的研究论文。
1,Ruimei Jin, Xiaoquan Yang, Donghui Zhao, Xiaolin Hou, Chaoqing Li, Xianlin Song, Wei Chen, Qiong Wang, Yuandi Zhao, and Bo Liu*, An injectable hybrid hydrogel based on a genetically engineered polypeptide for second near-infrared fluorescence/photoacoustic imaging-monitored sustained chemophotothermal therapy, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 16080-16091
2,Donghui Zhao, Jie Yang, Ruimei Jin, Xiaolin Hou, Chaoqing Li, Wei Chen, Yuandi Zhao, Qiong Wang, and Bo Liu*, Seed-Mediated Synthesis of Polypeptide-Engineered Stabilized Fluorescence-Enhanced Core/Shell Ag2S Quantum Dots and Their Application in pH Sensing and Bacterial Imaging in Extreme Acidity, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 13098−13104
3,Kai Cheng, Xiao-Quan Yang, Xiao-Shuai Zhang, Jun Chen, Jie An, Yuan-Yang Song, Cheng Li, Yang Xuan, Ruo-Yun Zhang, Chun-Hua Yang, Xian-Lin Song, Yuan-Di Zhao, and Bo Liu*, High-Security Nanocluster for Switching Photodynamic Combining Photothermal and Acid-Induced Drug Compliance Therapy Guided by Multimodal Active-Targeting Imaging, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1803118
4,Dong-Hui Zhao, Jie Yang, Rui-Xue Xia, Ming-Hao Yao, Rui-Mei Jin, Yuan-Di Zhao and Bo Liu*, High quantum yield Ag2S quantum dot@polypeptide-engineered hybrid nanogels for targeted second near-infrared fluorescence/photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 527-530
5, Jie An, Xiao-Quan Yang, Kai Cheng, Xian-Lin Song, Lin Zhang, Cheng Li, Xiao-Shuai Zhang, Yang Xuan, Yuan-Yang Song, Bi-Yun Fang, Xiao-Lin Hou, Yuan-Di Zhao, and Bo Liu*, In Vivo Computed Tomography/Photoacoustic Imaging and NIR Triggered Chemo−Photothermal Combined Therapy Based on a Gold Nanostar‑, Mesoporous Silica‑, and Thermosensitive Liposome-Composited Nanoprobe, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 41748-41759
6,Jie Yang, Ming-Hao Yao, Lang Wen, Ji-Tao Song, Ming-Zhen Zhang, Yuan-Di Zhao, Bo Liu*, Multifunctional quantum dot–polypeptide hybrid nanogel for targeted imaging and drug delivery,Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 11282-11292
7,Bo Liu, Yang Liu, Jeremiah J Riesberg, Wei Shen, Dynamic presentation of immobilized ligands regulated through biomolecular recognition, Journal of American Chemical Society,2010, 132, 13630-13632
8,Bo Liu, Yang Liu, Andrew K Lewis, Wei Shen, Modularly assembled porous cell-laden hydrogels, Biomaterials, 2010, 31, 4918-4925.