Liu ZiLong, Liu DongSheng, Zou XueCheng. An Efficient and Flexible Hardware Implementation of the Dual-Field Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, vol. 64(3): 2353-2362, Mar. 2017. (SCI, IF 7.168)
Release time:2018-05-24 Hits:
Pre One:Cong Zhang, Zilong Liu, Yuyang Chen, Jiahao Lu and Dongsheng Liu*. A Flexible and Generic Gaussian Sampler with Power Side-Channel Countermeasures for Quantum-Secure Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, early access, Mar. 2020. (SCI, IF 9.515)
Next One:Liu Dongsheng, Liu Zilong, Yong Zhenqiang, Zou Xuecheng and Cheng Jian. Design and Implementation of An ECC-based Digital Controller for RFID Tag Chip. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron, vol. 62(7): 4365-4373, Jul. 2015. (SCI, IF 7.168)