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Xiaoping Wang, Shuai Li, Hui Liu, and Zhigang Zeng. A Compact Scheme of Reading and Writing for Memristor-Based Multivalued Memory. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 37(7): 1505-1509, 2018.
上一条:Z. Li, Hui Liu, J. a. Lu, B. Li,A Weighted Multi-Local-World Network Evolving Model and Its Application in Software Network Modelling,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018:Article ID 2048525.
下一条:Hui Liu, Haibo Wan, Chi K. Tse, Jinhu Lv. “An Encryption Scheme Based on Synchronization of Two-Layered Complex Dynamical Networks”. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, 63(11): 2010-2021, 2016.