Shiyong Liu
·Paper Publications
Xiaoxue Tong, Shiyong Liu*. (2019) CPPred: coding potential prediction based on the global description of RNA sequence. Nucleic Acids Research, May 7;47(8):e43.
Release time:2019-09-06  Hits:
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Jinfang Zheng, Xu Hong, Juan Xie, Xiaoxue Tong, Shiyong Liu*. (2019) P3DOCK: a protein-RNA docking webserver based on template-based and template-free docking. Bioinformatics, Jun 7. pii: btz478.
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Jinfang Zheng, Juan Xie, Xu Hong, Shiyong Liu*. (2019) RMalign: an RNA structural alignment tool based on a novel scoring function RMscore. BMC Genomics, Apr 8;20(1):276.